About Us

We specialise in helping the victims of rape seek justice and the compensation they deserve.

Money cannot turn back the clock but it can aid the recovery process and a compensation package that includes funding for specialist counselling and therapies can promote a positive outcome.

Civil Claims For Rape Compensation

We can pursue a civil claim for rape compensation against the rapist himself or any organisation which has breached its duty of care to you, such as an employer or a religious institution.

CICA Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

Rape compensation claims can also be made to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. The CICA is a government funded body that compensates victims of violent crime, including rape.

Specialist Lawyers

We have lawyers who specialise in pursuing legal claims on behalf of women who have been raped and victims of other sexual violence and abuse. The team is led by Elizabeth Duncan who has been featured on ITV News in relation to high profile sex abuse issues.

Free Legal Helpline

We operate a free helpline that you can call anytime to discuss your experiences without any obligation to take matters further. If you find it difficult to speak about your experiences and would prefer initial contact by email, that is no problem.

Confidential Service

All enquiries are dealt with in accordance with the highest professional standards and in strict confidence.

No Win – No Fee

We can pursue rape compensation cases on a No Win – No Fee basis, so there is no need to be worried about funding legal fees.

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 Elizabeth Duncan

Elizabeth specialises in rape compensation and sex abuse claims, helping victims to recover the compensation they deserve.

She is passionate about the law and how compensation can help victims overcome adversity by enabling them to access and obtain funding for specialist counselling and therapeutic services.

Elizabeth studied at University College London. She spent 12 years at a specialist Personal Injury practice before joining Slee Blackwell Solicitors in 2016 to specialise in abuse law where she has now established herself as one of the ‘go to’ lawyers in this field.

She fund raises for a number of charities connected to abuse and has received an NSPCC award from the Countess of Wessex on behalf of the firm.

Elizabeth operates a FREE Legal helpline for rape victims. You can call her on freephone 0808 1391597 for a confidential chat about how she can help you. Alternatively, send her brief details by email to info@rapecompensation.co.uk