Are rape victims are being let down by prosecutors?

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Prosecutors have been accused of failing rape victims following a dramatic reduction in the number of rape suspects being taken to court.

There has been a 15 per cent increase in allegations of rape reported to the police. You might therefore expect a corresponding increase in the number of prosecutions. However the number of people being charged with rape has actually fallen by 23 per cent.

According to figures released by the annual Violence against Women and Girls report, 2,822 people investigated for rape were charged last year. This is down on the figure of 3,671 charged the previous year. There was also a drop in the number of rape cases being referred from the police to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has defended the position, assuring women that offenders are being brought to justice.

Nevertheless, at a time when rape is under the spotlight and women are being encouraged to speak out this is worrying and disturbing trend. Critics say the statistics are evidence of a collapse in rape justice have called for an independent review to be carried out.

While it is not necessary for the offender to be convicted or even charged for a claim on the rape victim compensation fund to be made, the criminal justice process is nevertheless important to victims. The criminal investigation can also establish important legal evidence. This can be used in a rape victim compensation fund claim (CICA criminal injury rape claim) or a civil law rape claim against the offender personally.

Whether or not your case has been referred to the CPS by the police or a decision has been taken to prosecute, we are here to help. To find out if you can make a rape victim compensation fund claim just give our FREE LEGAL HELPLINE a call on 0808 139 1597. All calls are dealt with in total confidence. There is no obligation on you to proceed with a rape victim compensation fund claim unless you want to. Alternatively you can email us at


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