Articles & Case Studies

Rape Crisis Reports A Rise In Calls

There has been a marked increase in the number of enquiries Rape Crisis receives.

The charity is now receiving almost 4,000 calls to its helpline every week.

And specialist support for victims of rape and sexual violence has increased by 29%.

This rise is in line with the latest research which shows that around 85,000 women are raped each year. This equates to 11 rapes in this country every hour.

A joint report entitled An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales has been published by the Ministry of Justice, the Office for National Statistics and the Home Office. This confirms that approximately 90% of rape victims know their attacker.

Are All Rapes Reported?

There is evidence of widespread and significant under reporting. In fact just 15% of rapes and incidents of sexual violence are reported to the police.

How We Can Help

Our lawyers are committed to helping rape victims seek justice and enabling them to recover the compensation they deserve.

Rape compensation doesn’t turn back the clock, but it can be used to rebuild women’s lives.

Awards of compensation can for example include funding of specialist counselling services not otherwise available on the NHS.

We operate a free rape compensation helpline that victims can call in confidence.

Our lawyers are sympathetic and approachable and will be happy to provide guidance on how a rape victim can report the attack to the police. Reporting an incident is often an essential step of making a successful rape compensation claim, so it’s important to take specialist legal advice.

Claims can be made against the attacker (or organisations like an employer) in the civil courts.

Where a civil claim is not possible rape victims can apply to the CICA criminal injuries scheme. CICA claims can be made even if the police have not arrested or charged the perpetrator.

All enquiries are dealt with compassionately in the total confidence.

If you wish to discuss making a rape claim on a No Win, No Fee basis call Elizabeth on 0800 037 8020 or email

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