As A Victim Of Rape Can I Claim Compensation?

Bringing a rape compensation claim through the civil courts

The police force, in association with the Crown Prosecution Service, will deal with the criminal aspects of a rape case.

However, victims can also seek justice through our civil courts.

The most common type of civil action is a claim for compensation.

You can bring a rape compensation claim against your attacker in the County Court. If the claim is successful the rapist will be ordered to pay you a sum of compensation.

Do I have to attend court?

Most civil claims are settled ‘out of court’, so bringing a case does not necessarily mean that you will need to attend court to give evidence. It is unusual for a rape compensation claim to result in a contested trial as the vast majority of cases are settled beforehand. If a contested trial does take place we will support you throughout.

Who can be ordered to pay compensation?

Obviously the rapist himself will be liable to pay compensation to the victim. However, rapists do not always have the financial means to pay compensation. In these circumstances we can consider whether an organisation is at fault for failing to protect you. This includes the rapist’s employer, if the attack was connected to his work, or your own employer, if they failed to provide you with adequate protection. Cases have also been brought against religious and faith organisations, care establishments and the military.

Can I still claim compensation if the rape was committed a long time ago?

Although time limits do apply to rape compensation claims, victims are given leeway by the courts. So even if the rape took place many years ago, it is still worth contacting us to see whether something can be done for you.

We are able to fund rape claims on a No Win, No Fee basis, so fear of legal costs should not put you off.

If you would like to know if you can make a rape claim, then call Elizabeth on our free legal helpline 0808 139 1597 or email us at