Frequently Asked Questions

Can a victim of rape sue her attacker?

Yes, the victim of a rape can bring a claim in the civil courts for compensation against the man who committed the offence. She may also be able to sue a third party, such as an employer, for failing to protect her.

Can a rape victim claim compensation?

Yes, compensation is available to a victim of rape either through the government’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or by suing in the civil courts.

Can I claim compensation for being sexually assaulted?

Yes. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority will compensate victims of sexual assault. Victims can also sue the person who carried out the assault in the civil courts.

Can a victim of rape sue the offender?

Yes, a victim of a rape can sue the man who committed the offence in the civil courts for compensation.

Can a victim of rape claim criminal injuries compensation?

Yes. The victim of rape or sexual assault is entitled to make a claim for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, known as the CICA.

Can you claim compensation for being attacked?

Yes. A victim of a violent crime can make an application for compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.

Can I sue for statutory rape?

Yes, claims for compensation for statutory rape can be made. Each case is considered on its own facts and we can provide you with guidance on the law.

Can I get compensation after being sexually assaulted?

Yes. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority will compensate victims of sexual assault. Victims can also sue the person who carried out the assault in the civil courts.

How long does it take for CPS to investigate?

The CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) will liaise with the police force. There is no set time for an investigation as it will depend on the facts of each case. A rape victim does not have to wait until the investigation has been completed before pursuing a claim for rape compensation.


What if I lose my rape compensation claim?

We deal with cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, so you need not worry about the financial implications of losing a rape compensation claim.

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